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Updated: May 17, 2022

She was my very first friend.

My older sister and I were so different. She was introverted and shy. And I am overtly expressive and sociable. She was always there for me, listening to me, and tolerating my rebellion.

She was the one who stayed close to my parents when I was away for years.

I left home for college and worked overseas. When I told her she should explore her opportunities somewhere else in the world, she told me one of us should be around my parents as they were not getting any younger. But, that did not mean she had never gone anywhere. She loved traveling and had traveled the world with my parents.

She was the one who made me become a responsible person.

When I was young, I was financially irresponsible. She agreed to help me pay my credit card debt if I promised to pay her back. After I fulfilled my promise, I thought I could ask for the same favor again, but she rejected me and told me she would not be helping me if she lended me the money again. I was so embarrassed and vowed to never be in debt again. Since then, I have been financially stable.

She was my twins’ auntie-mommy.

My children were very much her baby twins from the moment they were born. She somehow had this special connection with them. I once told her I was just giving birth to them for her and she laughed...

She will be my baby sister in the next life.

When I told her we were going to be sisters again in the next live and I was going to be her big sister for a change, she laughed...

She must have been afraid and very lonely when she knew she was sick; however, she always put up a brave front. She asked me to think she was just traveling and then she found a place so wonderful that she decided to settle down there.

I could not attend her funeral because… Why was there a funeral for her if she was just traveling? I visited her final resting place the following year and asked her to visit me in my dreams. I believe my mother came for her and she was not alone, and I believe I will see them both again.

Beloved Daughter and Sister

March 24 1965 - October 26 2017


她是吉閎和薇納的姨媽咪 當我常年在外時她待在爸爸媽媽身旁, 她教我如何當個負責任的人



她說,她是去旅行而已 她說,因爲很喜歡她到的地方所以就定居下來了 我說,換你出遠門爸爸我來陪

我相信媽媽來接她,所以她不寂莫 我相信我會再跟她們相會

....for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part...

My brother took this shot just days before my mommy left for Elysium.

Daddy’s strength amazes me. I asked if I can bring just a little of mommy's ashes with me home. He told me it's absolutely fine with him; but… he said, “If you keep her ashes with you, you would want to see her and have her with you all the time. Don't let her become your emotional burden. There are so many beautiful memories of her to remember and so many photos of her to admire. Learn to let her go..."

I miss her dearly.

In the sweet memory of my sweet, beautiful and loving mommy, July 2, 1941 - October 7, 2016

…. 是好、是壞,是富、是窮,是健康、是疾病,直到死亡將我們分開….


我問爸爸,是否能讓我帶給ㄧ點點一個媽媽的骨灰回家。他告訴我,當然可以,但是...... 他說:“如果你有她的骨灰,你會一直希望看她,想陪她。 她會成為你的心理負擔。我們有那麼多美好的回憶和她的許多照片可以欣賞。不要讓她成為你的心理負擔,學著讓她走......“


我的甜蜜,美麗,慈祥的 媽媽,July 2, 1941 - October 7, 2016

     Wonderful news today! Tech billionaire Sean Parker, founder and chairman of the Parker Foundation, announced a $250 million donation to create Parker institute for cancer research. How encouraging to see a young successful person make such a generous gift to help save lives. But it made me think about another person, Martin Shkreli, also young and wealthy. After acquiring the manufacturing license for Daraprim (to treat HIV infection), Shkreli raised its price from US$13.50 to US$750 per tablet. What a striking contrast between these two individuals.  We cannot expect every person to do what Mr. Parker did, but the world would certainly be a better place if we had more people like him, and fewer like Martin Shkreli. Don’t you think so?

今天有一則好消息!高科技億萬富翁Sean Parker,Parker基金會的創始人和主席,宣布捐款$ 250萬元美元成立Parker研究所致力研究癌症治療。看到為幫助拯救生命,這麼一個成功年輕人做出這樣的康凱的舉動真是鼓舞人心 。但它使我想到另一個ㄧ樣年輕富有人Martin Shkreli 。在買到Daraprim (治療HIV感染)的生產許權後,Shkreli 將價格從ㄧ顆美金$13.50調漲到$750!多麼強列對比啊。我們不能指望每個人能做Parker先生做的事,但如果我們有更多的人像他,而少些人像Martin Shkreli ,這世界肯定會是一個更好的地方 你不這麼認為嗎?

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